Assignment: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis: Visually Displaying Data Results

Even long ago, visual displays were used to communicate thoughts and ideas to others. Sometimes, just as in the visual displays on cave walls, pictures are the best way to tell a “story” where narrative words may not be sufficient. It still remains true today that “graphics are one of the most important aspects of data analysis because they allow us to visualize the data and the patterns in the data” (Dietz & Kalof, 2009, p. 66). Such is the case in statistics, where displaying data is critical.

Visual displays of data provide you and anyone else with a graphical display of what is often a complex array of quantitative data. A key strength of visualization is the ability to quickly enlighten you with key data. Rather than solely relying on your audience to interpret numerical values and statistics explained in a narrative, a visual display can easily illustrate descriptions, relationships, and trends. Although the focus is on simplicity, the researcher has an obligation to present these graphical displays in a clear and meaningful way.

In this assignment, you will examine how to display data and understand why visually presenting data can illustrate the “story” of the data. You will also further your knowledge and skill set and assess how these visual displays can help with social change.

To complete this Discussion:

  • Review the learning resources related to frequency distributions and graphic displays of data attached.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the General Social Survey data-set found attached.
  • Review the data for variables 10 and 20; does respondent rent/own home and respondents income.
  • Next, use the Graphs tool from the top menu in SPSS and create a display(figure or table) for each of the 2 variables selected.
  • Then, write a 2-3 page paragraph analysis of your results.
  • Finally, explain how each variable could affect social change. For example, you could discuss how knowing Florida students’ mathematical ability might affect social change in terms of allocating education dollars to different counties in Florida.

Do some research in order to support your summary using at least 3 appropriate scholarly citations and references. Use proper APA format.

Post your displays and explanation via a word document.