Business Decision Making (3.0) Powerpoint, statistics homework help

I need a power point based on the assignments I’ve already completed. It can be done in a basic black and white template since, I’ve already prepared my own. Thanks

Prepare a PowerPoint® presentation for the senior management team based on the business problem or opportunity you described in Weeks 3 and 4.

Include on the slides what you would want the audience to see (include appropriate visual aids/layout). In the Speaker Notes section, include what you would say as you present each slide. If any source material is quoted or paraphrased in the presentation, use APA citations and references

Include the following in your presentation:

1. Explain the business problem or opportunity

2. Analyze why the business problem is important

3. Identify what variable would be best to measure for this problem and explain why

4. Apply data analysis techniques to this problem (tell which techniques should be used: descriptive stats, inferential stats, probability, time series) and explain why

5. Apply a possible solution to the problem/opportunity, with rationale

6. Evaluate how data could be used to measure the implementation of such a solution

7. References slide (if any source material is quoted or paraphrased throughout the presentation)