Conflict and its resolution in the religious organizations – conflict within congregations and within church hierarchy.

n 2015, business and management professionals are concerned with the conflict that takes place in their organizations and its destructive potential – even though conflict can be positive and useful in some situations. There are numerous conflict issues in today’s global workplace, especially with the current international economic situation. As a new business and/or HR Director, you have decided to start a new professional development and learning program for employees. You will be presenting different topics during noon lectures on issues that are relevant to your company or organization.

For the first lecture, you should select one of these topics and prepare a written report that will be distributed to everyone (25%).

Select any one of these topics for your Current Issues Report (CIR):

Note: Requirements for all Writing Assignments include,

  • Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment
  • Use headings to separate the sections of the paper
  • Page numbers
  • Double-spacing
  • Times New Roman, size 12
  • Use a minimum of four sources
  • In-text citations to sources in APA style
  • Reference page using APA style


Criteria 1







Addresses current themes, issues, challenges in organizations that relate to conflict in the environment, trends, influences, challenges

Effectively addresses the main topic, most important information, as well as the main conclusion of the paper topic. Makes strong, logical connections. 

Addresses the main topic, key questions, most important information and key concepts, as well as the main conclusion of the paper; however, makes some indistinct or incomplete connections regarding relevance and workplace connections

Identifies some of the key issues or potential problems; elements of the paper are missing or inappropriately identified.

The topic is loosely connected; linkages not made; fails to identify relevance.



Criteria 2







Addresses the challenges of determining solutions in conflict situations and the specific impact of the topic on leadership, management, problem-solving, and decision-making

Effectively addresses the key questions and the key concepts and incorporates them into the paper’s discussion.  Associated with impact on management, problem-solving, and decision-making. Makes strong, logical connections.

Addresses the key questions and the key concepts and incorporates into the conflict topic; however, incompletely.  Somewhat associated with impact on conflict and management. Makes some logical connections

Identifies and addresses some of the key questions and the key concepts; however, does not incorporate into the topic.  Weak association with impact on the organization and management. Logical connections are weak. 

Does not effectively addresses the key questions and the key concepts or incorporate them into topic.  The issues are not associated with the possible impact on the organization and management. Does not make logical connections. 



Criteria 3







Content, Conclusions and recommendations are supported by fact-based research

Conclusions and recommendations are effectively supported by facts from author’s research.  Appropriate paraphrasing and quotations enhance the presentation or material.

Much content and conclusions are supported by the research, however, on occasion, the author has presented facts or opinions not substantiated by his/her research.

While some citations reflect incorporation of research facts, the paper does not show sufficient fact-based research to support the author’s conclusions. 

Little or no fact-based research is cited within the paper.  It is unclear whether the statements made are the author’s opinions or facts.



Criteria 4







Proper development of concepts/themes presented in the paper’s organization



Concepts and themes are fully developed and presented in a logical, well-flowing organization. Reader can easily follow the author’s logic and flow.

Concepts and themes are presented well and usually well-developed.  While overall well-organized, at times the writing forces the reader to determine the author’s train of thought.

Paper is inconsistent in the presentation of cohesive concepts and themes.  Consistent organization is lacking causing the reader to have difficulty in following the author’s train of thought.

Concepts and themes are not fully developed or presented in a cohesive manner.  Paper lacks a sense of organization or plan to the presentation of ideas.

Article Review fails to develop and present concepts and themes in an organized manner.  Paper has omitted several components of the assignment.



Criteria 5







Use of current and relevant sources, citation and mechanics.


Accurate use of APA style for in-text citations and References

The author has identified and selected a minimum of four very appropriate and current resources from which to identify and develop recommendation.

The author has identified and selected at least three sources that are appropriate for this assignment.

The author has identified and selected one to two sources that are commercial rather than academic or from a business sources such as vendor Web sites. 

The author has not identified or selected an article that is appropriate; it is commercial rather than academic or from a business sources such as vendor Web sites. 




The paper correctly cites in-text and lists resources on the References page.  If additional sources are used, they are included correctly.

The majority of in-text citations and the reference are properly cited; formatting is inconsistent / inaccurate in a few cases.

References are cited but incorrectly under APA style. The student has either used another format or incorrectly applied the APA style guidelines.

Inconsistent or missing in-text citations; fails to attribute an author’s word through APA citations. 





