Describe the psychological consequences (positive and negative) that might result from engaging in behaviors reserved for a specific sex?

For either sex, choosing to engage in activities traditionally reserved for a specific sex can result in teasing and accusations of homosexuality.

  • Using research gathered from your textbook, online course content, and at least 1 research article, analyze the above scenarios.
    • Are the behaviors discussed above (i.e., preferring things traditionally acceptable for a specific sex) indicative of homosexuality? Why or why not?
    • Describe the psychological consequences (positive and negative) that might result from engaging in behaviors reserved for a specific sex?
    • Develop an argument for or against concern that these children might be exhibiting a paraphilia.
    • Which paraphilia(s) might apply and what criteria would you use based on the research?
    • What, if any, intervention would you recommend to a parent whose little girl or boy expresses the desire to engage in behaviors typical of the opposite sex? If you do not believe intervention is necessary, explain why.