Individual Research Data Collection Discussion

Collect your data for your individual project.

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In this forum, provide an example of how you are organizing your data as they come in, and supply a sample of your raw data.

My research project is about:

For this research project, I plan to examine how over ordering and shelf life capability affect our inventory status on a daily bases and the impact this may cause filling our customer’s needs. FreshPoint is North America’s largest wholly owned produce distributor, so ensuring we provide the best quality produce means having a tight inventory and micromanaging the quality of each produce item we receive. Given produce is a dying field, we emphasize the importance of quality while maintaining inventory control. When inventory isn’t managed well, you can wind up with overstock, too much of certain items. Overstock comes with its own set of problems. The longer an item sits unsold in inventory, the greater the chance it will never sell at all, meaning you’ll have to write it off, or at least discount it deeply. The goal of my research is to examine inventory management within my company while focusing on strategies to increase efficiency and productivity.