Pargraph 2- Respond the following question with a paragraph

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source. Variance gives a measure of how the data you collect for a study distributes itself about the mean or expected value, and the analysis of variance is a test to whether the population means of three or more groups are equal. This test results in less false positive, or Type 1 errors, meaning that a condition is present when it actually is not. If you have several groups and want to know if they all have consistent means, then a single test is done to produce a single p value. The ANOVA test looks at how all the groups means are spread out and compares that to how much it is expected for the spread if the sampling came from the same population. The result if the calculation is called the F ratio which should be close to 1 if no true difference exists between the groups.