post repsonse, first

Don’t you just love stats? Like most everyone else I think that I got this right but we shall see. My gas prices ranged from $.99 to $3.99 with an alpha of 0.05. Here are the numbers that I have come up with. If I missed something or didn’t something wrong please let me know because learning after all if the reason we are all here. After reading the instructions several times I am not sure if I was suppose to put the answers in my main post or if other students are suppose to provide the answers. I went ahead and provide the answers I got so at the very least you and I can see if we came up with the same answers. I look forward to seeing everyone’s answers!

Mean = 2.21

Standard Deviation = .61

E = .20

After all that my confidence intervals ended up being:

$.221 – $.20 = $2.01

$2.21 + $.20 = $2.41