Problem  Trip to School Andrew

Problem  Trip to School

 Andrew rides his bike to school every day. He is usually not fully awake by the time he leaves, so it takes him time to gain his speed. After about 5 minutes he reaches the stop sign at the end of his road, and has to pause for a minute. He is going to get to school early so he just peddles along for 6 minutes. Suddenly his friend Dietrich comes up behind him and they start racing for 3 minutes . They are both going pretty fast, but then Andrew remembers he left his science project on the table at home. Andrew quickly turns around and speeds back home in 7 minutes to get it. it takes him 1 minute to run into the house and get his paper. Now he has only 6 minutes until the start of school, and is going to be late if he doesn’t hurry. Andrew pedals as fast as he can all the way back to school and makes it to class just in time for the first bell.

On a coordinate plane, Construct a graph of distance as the dependent variable(y-axis) and time as the independent variable(x-axis)