Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program, statistics homework help

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The study was about if the Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program in prisons helps the inmates to complete educational degrees. It consisted of 116 inmates who had participated in RTA programs at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility from 1996 through 2007, along with a comparison group. The authors calculated the time spent in educational programs before and after the RTA join date for each participant. The results indicated more inmates in the RTA program earned their GEDs than the comparison group. It showed the participants finished earning their GEDs earlier, and enrolled in more college programs. Those involved in RTA programs also exhibited less disciplinary problems than the comparison group (Halperin, Kessler, and Braunschweiger, 2012).

The important parts of this study for a forensic psychology professional is the participants chosen. Through evaluations of inmates, the forensic professional can help determine which inmates might benefit from RTA, especially among juveniles. This might help them focus on something productive at a younger age, which can give them goals. It might also reduce recidivism.

A forensic psychologist professional might use the results from this study to see how it effects recidivism. If the inmates are being having success in the program, follow-up studies on released inmates can be conducted to see if they are having success or end back in prison.

Halperin, R., Kessler, S., & Braunschweiger, D. (2012). Rehabilitation through the arts: Impact on participants’ engagement in educational programs. Journal of Correctional Education, 63(1), 6-23. Retrieved from