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To analyze data about number of injuries seen in a clinic I would use a line graph. A line graph is quantitative and and each dot shows a value and frequency for each category (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2018). The y-axis would have the number value of the injuries seen in a month and the x-axis would have the type of injury. The y-axis could have numbers listed in increments of 5, starting at 0 and going to 50. Examples of types of injuries would be sprained ankles, finger lacerations, head injury, broken hips, etc. If the clinic had seen 10 finger lacerations in the last month, a dot would be placed above that category from the x-axis near the number ten on the y-axis. Each dot could be connected by a line and that line can connected all together will show the overall volume of injuries seen that month.

For wait times in a doctor’s office I would use a bar chart. In another study, patient wait times at an office were described as the time from when a patient arrives and checks in with the receptionist, the time they are seated in the waiting room until they are called back to the exam room (Raccine & Davidson, 2002). Too simplify and better understand the data I would look at the average wait time for all patients seen in each month of a year. The y-axis of the bar chart would have each of the 12 months listed in a year. The numerical value of wait time in minutes would be listed on the x-axis with times starting at 0 minutes to two hours, or 120 minutes. These monthly averages will give the clinic an overall idea of patient time spent in the waiting room by being able to see a trend over the year.


Bennett, J., Briggs, W., & Triola, M. (2018). Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Raccine, A., & Davidson, G. (2002). Use of a Time-Flow Study to Improve Patient Waiting Times at an Inner-city Academic Pediatric Practice. Arch Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 1203-1209.