Response Stats Post

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In New York, the recidivism rate was 19% for individuals who were in the treatment case study compared to 46% who were not after two years. The case study program was called the Drug Treatment Alternative-to-Prison (DTAP). Other states have made changes by increasing drug abuse treatment instead of incarceration. The author of this article conducted a similar study in Florida to gauge public attitudes concerning drug treatment instead of incarceration for drug offenders (Giordano, 2014).

Questionnaires were mailed out to 1000 random residents of a Florida county. The author used a modified version of the Maryland Voter Survey, which has been tested for both reliability and validity. The survey consisted of demographic questions and closed-ended questions on attitudes and treatment versus incarceration. Results indicated 51.1% of the respondents think drug treatment is better than prison. The participants responded with 52.3% that individuals were more likely to re-offend going to prison instead of getting treatment. Takeaways from the study in Florida is the public is for drug treatment instead of prison, but do not want to invest the funds unless there is reduction somewhere else (Giordano, 2014).

A forensic psychology professional could take this study along with others which have shown the positive benefits of treatment instead of jail, and use it towards a public vote. It could be put on a ballot, as California did. The professional could also use the results in conducting another study to determine the successes and failures of the treatment programs on recidivism instead of just the rate of recidivism. Each study is used to back up the previous one. A forensic psychology professional could be part of the decision in who gets to go to the treatment programs instead of prison when doing evaluations.

Giordano, V. A. (2014). Public acceptance for drug treatment in lieu of incarceration for drug offenders in florida. Journal of Drug Issues, 44(4), 414-429. Retrieved from…