State the statistical topic (example “regression”) and the corresponding page numbeR, HOMEWORK HELP

(3 page paper) a sample example paper has been uploaded:

This advance sheet gives further information about the paper and how it will be graded. The paper will be worth 45 points. Choose any three topics from the book (whether included them in the syllabus or not). Do NOT take any topics introduced in Chapter 3. A sample is on Canvas. Up to 15 points are available for each topic.

For each topic —

  • State the statistical topic (example “regression”) and the corresponding page number.
  • Explain the meaning of topic as you would in plain English to your boss or coworker. Ensure that you are complete and correct, but do not use technical language – use “layman’s terms.” Your supervisors and coworkers will be experts in their fields, but those fields may not be in Statistics. If you explain the meaning of the topic in plain English, as you would to a co-worker who is not skilled in statistics, then up to 8 points are available for each topic. If you explain the meaning of the topic using “technical jargon,” such as copying the meaning from the book, up to 4 points are available for each topic.
  • Explain how you either use or could use the topic area in either your personal or your professional life.The topic’s application mustdirectly apply to your personal or your professional life, and not how it could be used in industry or some general application. Clearly explain how you do or could use the topic area. Up to 7 points for each topic are available. If your topic does not clearly apply directly to you, then up to 4 points are available.
  • Include references to avoidthe appearance of plagiarism. Topics without references will have 2 points deducted from each topic. References must point directly to the concept being discussed, not just listed in the back of the paper. See sample paper.

Topics introduced in Chapter 3, such as the mean, median, or standard deviation, will receive no credit.