Technology Based Project Hypothesis Testing of Single Mean & Single Proportion Project

Technology Based Projects make use of the TI graphing calculator, and may be done groups of up to four members. Turn in one copy with all of the group members’ names on the project. Late papers will receive a grade of 0. There are 3 options for submitting projects:

1. Projects may be handed in at the beginning of an exam (if the due date is the same), and all pages must be STAPLED, or

2. Projects may be handed to me during my office hour, or

3. Projects may be uploaded in Canvas by the due date and time as a SINGLE file (not folder) attachment. If I cannot open your attachment, your grade is 0. There should be exactly ONE attachment, from one upload.

Be sure to include your graphs with this project in a single document when you turn it in.

Reviewing the examples in Section 9.5: Additional Information and Full Hypothesis Test Examples (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. may be helpful for completing this project.