Trigonometry: How to solve questions

  1. sin [img width=”8″ height=”20″ src=”” v_shapes=” i1025″>[img width=”30″ height=”32″ src=”” v_shapes=” i1025″>2) cos ѳ

On a sunny day, a flag pole and its shadow form the side of a right triangle. If the hypotenuse is 35 meters long and the shadow is 28 meters, how tall is the flag pole?

The angle of elevation from a point on the ground to the top of a tower is 35° 16′. The angle of elevation from a point 130 feet farther back from the tower is 24° 18′. Find the height of the tower. Round to the nearest foot.

From a boat on the lake, the angle of elevation to the top of a cliff is 30°59ʹ. If the base of the cliff is 1194 feet from the boat, how high is the cliff (to the nearest foot)?

Determine whether the statement is true or false. 6) cos (180°+ 30°) = cos 180° · cos 30° – sin 180° · sin 30°

Evaluate. 5 sin2 240° + csc2 150° – sec2 30°

The angle of elevation from a point on the ground to the top of a tower is 35° 16′. The angle of elevation from a point 130 feet farther back from the tower is 24° 18′. Find the height of the tower. Round to the nearest foot.