week 3 response 2 statistics

I need to respond to this is APA format and 300-400 words

The probability of a home in Township 3 having a pool is 72%.

The probability of a home being in Township 3 is 23.8%.

The probability of a home being in Township 3 and having a pool is 17.1%.

We all rely on probabilities every day, we see soap kills 99% of germs and the weather may have a 75% chance of rain. Probabilities are made to weigh risk and reward, positives and negatives, advantages and disadvantages. A coin has a 50% probability that it will land on heads and the same for tails. When someone flips that coin, there is an equal probability that they will guess right or wrong. Many times, probabilities are out of a person’s hands, but I want to talk about a probability that is determined by a person’s drive. Many people in America say that if they could make $100,000 they would consider themselves successful. Only 10% of Americans make $100,000 or more. From a probability perspective a person has a 90% chance of falling below this goal. That may discourage many people but for some people this pushes them to try harder to reach their goal and prove others wrong. People should know that they should not always rely on probabilities. Many may not even try if their chances of failing supersede their chances of succeeding. Probabilities are to bring a realistic perspective to whatever is approaching but they are just numbers and people have proven outstanding probabilities wrong many times.

Statistical Atlas (April 25, 2015) Household Income in the United States. Retrieved from https://statisticalatlas.com/United-States/Household-Income

University of Texas at Dallas (March 2, 2006) Probability. Retrieved from https://www.utdallas.edu/~scniu/OPRE-6301/documents/Probability.pdf