write a discussion

What is going on with the “numbers” in the game?

The game that you have chosen most likely has something to do with numbers (otherwise why would you have picked it?)* This week’s task is to look into what are the “boundaries” of these numbers.


  • If you are rolling dice in the game, what kind of outcomes can you get, or even expect to get?
  • If you have cards in the game instead, what sort of expectations do you have for what you might get on a given card draw?
  • Are there any impossibilities for the dice rolls and card draws?
  • Anything that’s a guarantee?
  • Are there player statistics that can go up and down throughout the gameplay?

If you do outside research on this task, please make sure that you only include content that you understand and can put into your own words.

*If you really did choose something that has nothing to do with numbers but you were able to complete the previous two Tasks successfully, you may choose a different game to analyze for this week.

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